A Distant Light
by Marianne Anderson
The tunnel is long and dark
A tiny light afar I see.
Running and reaching
No brighter it gets.
Stumbling and falling
But still trying again.
Running and walking
The pace is slower now.
Still reaching and striving
But the light is still dim.
Wondering and hoping
But on me the glow does not fall.
Distant and disoriented
Is there still a light?
Lost and confused
In what way should I go?
Scared and small
Is there still hope?
Crying and praying
In the darkness lost.
Fear and aching
A new shroud makes.
Wanting yet retreating
New bonds now control.
Calling and hoping
But again lost, alone.
Pleading and reaching
No light to be found.
Gasping and clawing
No escape to be mine.
Desperate and dying
No alternative left.
Kneeling and submitting
My one last hope.
Awakening and breathing
Fresh air touches my lips.
Tentative and leery
Not ready to stand.
Groping and feeling
Not sure of support.
Hoping and praying
What's that I see?
Peering and pleading
Is that what I need?
Looking and leaning
Have I found my way?
Praising and crying
A distant light I see.
I'm not even sure if there is anyone out there still reading...I haven't exactly been regular in my posts lately. Needless to say the last several weeks have been nearly more than I can take. I think, and am praying that we're working toward a new answer. I hate to think what will happen if the light we're going toward now is not the right now.
Please keep me in your prayers. I know that in SO many ways I am very blessed, tremendously blessed. What's hard is when that doesn't seem to be enough. When the chemical balance in my body could care less hope much the Lord has given me, I find it so hard to move on. But HE is still there and HE will show me the light. Just pray that I can have strength to follow HIM.